BT Cloud Phone

Getting Started

BT Cloud Work Message Storage and Data Retention

How many messages can I store in my mailbox? How long can I retain my messages?
Date Updated:15/03/2022

BT Cloud Work Number Transfer Frequently Asked Questions

List of FAQs regarding the transferring phone numbers to BT Cloud Work.
Date Updated:17/12/2021

BT Cloud Work Session Timeout

This article demonstrates how Administrators can set the session timeout of the BT Cloud Work account through the Portal.
Date Updated:27/06/2024

BT Cloud Work Single Sign-On (SSO) Overview

This article discusses the SSO feature for login use in BT Cloud Work.
Date Updated:27/07/2022

Call Log Overview | BT Cloud Work

This article provides information about the Call log feature in the BT Cloud Work Portal.
Date Updated:30/04/2022