Administrators can configure a User's status based on the following scenarios:
• The Administrator can temporarily disable a User's extension to suspend the User's access to BT Cloud Phone's services and account. When a caller dials the number assigned to a disabled User, the caller will hear "Extension is not recognized. Thank you for calling." followed by a busy tone.
• Administrators can delete extensions that were created in error.
• Administrators can delete an extension assigned to a User, if the User is no longer part of their organisation.
Disabling and Deleting Groups
Enabling Groups
Disabling Users
Enabling Users
Deleting Users
Disabling and Deleting Groups
NOTE: You need to have Administrator access to perform these actions.
For this example we will be deleting a Paging group.
1. Log in to your BT Cloud Work portal as an administrator.
2. Go to Phone System > Groups.
3. On the Paging only, click Disable on the group.
4. On the Confirmation window, click Disable.
5. You may now click Delete on the disabled group. This will remove the Group permanently.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to set a different Operator extension if you wish to disable an extension that is currently set as the Auto-Receptionist / Operator. For more information, go to Changing the Operator Extension of your BT Cloud Phone account.
Enabling Groups
1. Log in as an administrator to your BT Cloud Work portal.
2. Go to Phone System > Groups.
3. Click Enable on the disabled group.
Disabling Users
Account Administrators can temporarily disable a User's access, if an employee goes on holiday, for example. You can also permanently delete a User.
NOTE: Disabled Users will not be able to make and receive calls, access their account online or use mobile applications.
1. Log in as an administrator to your BT Cloud Work portal.
2. Go to Users > User list > Users with extensions.
3. Click Disable across the user's name you want to disable.
4. A confirmation window appears. Click Yes.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to set a different Operator extension if you wish to disable an extension that is currently set as the Auto-Receptionist / Operator. For more information, go to Change the Assigned Operator Extension | BT Cloud Work.
Enabling Users
1. Log in as an administrator to your BT Cloud Work portal.
2. Go to Users > User list > Users with extensions.
3. You will know that a User is disabled when it shows on its Status. To enable a disabled User, simply click Enable. When the User is enabled, it should show a on its status.
Deleting Users
If you try to delete a User with a BT Cloud Phone licence you will be asked to contact the BT Cloud Phone Service Team. This is because ceasing a licence may result in early termination charges. You can reassign the licence to someone else, and then delete the User without needing to contact the BT Cloud Phone Service Team.
1. You must first Disable the User that you wish to delete.
2. Click Delete against the name of the user you want to delete.
3. An Alert window will advise you to contact the BT Cloud Phone Service Team on 0800 389 0598, to delete the User. Click OK.