BT Cloud Phone

Enable or Disable Automatic Call Recording | BT Cloud Work

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NOTE: Certain laws require that your callers hear a call-recording notification before and after a call is recorded. As the administrator, you need to make sure your company's call recording procedures comply with all applicable laws and regulations. BT Cloud Work is not responsible for your company's compliance.

  1. Log in to the BT Cloud Work portal
  2. Go to Admin portal > Phone system > Auto-Receptionist > General settings > Call recording
  3. Below Automatic call recording, toggle the switch to enable or disable the feature
  4. If you enabled the feature, click Yes on the confirmation window
  5. Click Edit under Extensions to record, select the extensions where automatic call recording will be enabled, then click Save
    • Edit Extensions to record
  6. Click Save to apply the changes

Once the feature has been enabled, you can pause or mute the Automatic Call Recording to exclude sensitive information that might be included in the recording. On deskphones, you can press * and 9 to mute or resume the recording. On BT Cloud Work, click the Record button to pause or re-start the recording.

Steps To Reproduce
Affected Environment
TitleEnable or Disable Automatic Call Recording | BT Cloud Work
URL Name8003
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