BT Cloud Phone

Setting Up How Incoming Calls are Handled in the BT Cloud Work App Desktop and Web

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You can manage how you want your incoming calls to ring on your BT Cloud Work apps and phones:

  • Which devices you want to ring during work and after hours
  • Where you want to send missed calls

NOTE: You can forward calls when you’re out of the office or on vacation using the Forward all calls feature in the BT Cloud Work app, or Admin Portal.

  1. Go to Settings > Phone in the left navigation bar.
  2. Next to Call handling, click Edit.

    Edit Call handling

  3. By default, call handling rules will apply 24/7. If you want to create different rules for Work hours and After hours, click Edit schedule and set up a specific work schedule.
  4. Select how you want your devices to ring:
    • Ring in order: Calls will ring the devices in the order they’re listed.
    • Ring all at once: Calls will ring on all listed devices simultaneously.
    • Do not ring (Only available for After hours): Calls won’t ring on your devices. Instead, calls will be handled according to the rules you create for Missed calls.
  5. In the Ring for column, select how long you want each device to ring.
    • Select Always Ring if you want your apps to ring at the same time as your other devices and numbers.
    • You can use the toggle to disable ringing on any device.
  6. Select Add number or coworker.
    • To add a number, select Number from the dropdown. Enter the phone number and choose how long to ring the number.
    • To add a coworker, select Coworker from the dropdown. Type in a name or extension number and click the coworker’s name. Then select Desktop and mobile apps under their name.

    NOTE: You can turn the button off next to a phone or coworker to disable them from receiving calls.

    Call handling settings

  7. If you selected Ring in order, you can drag and drop the items in the list of devices to place them in the order you want them to ring.

    Ring in order

  8. Under Missed calls, select how you want your unanswered calls to be handled:
    • Send to voicemail: Sends calls to voicemail. Learn more about setting up your voicemail.
    • Play message and disconnect: Send calls to a recorded voice message, then disconnects them.
    • Forward to extension: Forward calls to a coworker, a call queue, an IVR menu, or an announcement-only or message-only extension.
    • Forward to external number: Forward calls to an external phone number.

    Missed calls handling setting

  9. Click Save.

    NOTE: If you set up a Work hours schedule, make sure to set call handling rules for After hours as well.

Steps To Reproduce
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TitleSetting Up How Incoming Calls are Handled in the BT Cloud Work App Desktop and Web
URL NameSetting-Up-How-Incoming-Calls-Handled-BT-Cloud-Work-App-Desktop-Web
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