BT Cloud Phone

BT Cloud Phone phone numbers Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Can I transfer my existing phone numbers to BT Cloud Phone?

Yes.  You can transfer or port your existing  local phone numbers to BT Cloud Phone. 

2. How much do additional phone numbers cost?

An additional phone number costs 50p per month. 

NOTE:  Price does not include VAT.

3. Do I need a phone for an additional phone number?

You can use the phone numbers you added even without purchasing a phone and can assign them as a direct number to a BT Cloud Phone user.

4. How do I route calls to a new phone number?

You can route calls to a new phone number using the call handling setup on your BT Cloud Phone account.  Once you have successfully added a new phone number, you can assign them directly to a BT Cloud Phone user. 

5. Can I swap phone numbers?

Yes.  You can change or swap your BT Cloud Phone phone number(s). 

6. What are the things that need to be done after signing up for a BT Cloud Phone system?

You will receive a Welcome to Service email on the start date you requested. This is the start of your contract - billing for your service will commence and we will send out any phones you have ordered to arrive within 2 days.  

Click the link in the email to set up your account security and schedule your Administrator Training.  You can also initiate any requests for Number Porting and start to use your BT Cloud Phone service by downloading the Desktop or Mobile App.

Go to Setting up my BT Cloud Phone account for the first time and Getting Started with BT Cloud Phone for more information.
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TitleBT Cloud Phone phone numbers Frequently Asked Questions
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