BT Cloud Phone

Fax - Resolving Partially Sent or Received Faxes | BT Cloud Phone

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Partially received faxes show an incomplete result of the faxed document.  This is caused by several factors and may occur when sending a fax using the the BT Cloud Phone portal, mobile app, softphone or using a traditional fax machine. A partially received fax may occur when the transmission is interrupted by software installed in the computer, the service provider or by a human. 

The following troubleshooting tips may help eliminate partially sent or received faxes when using BT Cloud Phone's fax service:

Where to view received faxes
Partially received faxes
Partially sent faxes


Where to view received faxes

Fa​x sent to main company number

▪ Fax would be found in the Super Admin extension's Inbox (Ext 101). 
▪ Log in to your  BT Cloud Phone Account as Super Admin (Ext 101) > Select My Extension > Messages > Inbox. 

Fax sent to extension's direct phone number

▪ Fax would be found in that specific extension's Inbox (ex, Ext 106). 
▪ Log in to your  BT Cloud Phone Account using the User Extension's credentials > My Extension > Messages > Inbox

For more details: BT Cloud Phone: Checking your Voicemail, Faxes, and Sent Items through the BT Cloud Phone portal 


Partially Received Faxes

You might receive partial faxes, such as incomplete pages or pages are cut off. Faxing has known limitations when implemented as a Fax-over-IP service. These limitations are technology-based and industry-wide. 

The steps below are for helping BT Cloud Phone Support isolate where the issue is coming from.

1. Check your Received Fax History via the Call Log section on your BT Cloud Phone Portal.

• This is to determine if the partial faxes are being received from a single number only
• If you have access to the sending machine (the machine from where you received the partial fax).

• lower the baud rate to 9600 
• turn off Error Correction Mode and/or Overseas Mode.

NOTE: Steps may depend on the Fax Machine model.

2. If the faxes are being forwarded to your BT Cloud Phone Fax Number from a different carrier, have the sender send a fax message directly to your BT Cloud Phone Fax Number

IMPORTANT: After following steps 1 and 2, ask the sender to resend the fax. If there are still issues, proceed with step 3.

3. If the issue is happening on multiple sending numbers, gather samples that are from within the last 24 hours for possible carrier escalation. Please contact support for assistance.

4. Check your extension mailbox. If the issue is due to extension mailbox is approaching or over 200 messages and does not have enough room to hold the new messages, delete older messages. To do this, follow the steps below:

▪ Log in to your  BT Cloud Phone Account.
▪ Go to My extension view > Messages > Inbox.
▪ Check if the Inbox is approaching or over 200 new messages. 
▪ If yes, check on the box beside older messages, then click Delete

NOTE: Delete older messages until there is enough room to allow more faxes to come through. Mailbox size maximum of 200 messages, is shared between new and saved,  faxes and voicemails. 


Partially Sent Faxes

• Ensure that the attached files are supported. For more information, go to Fax - Supported File Attachments for Faxes | BT Cloud Phone
• The file name of attached files should not include ampersands (e.g. &) or other special characters.
• Ensure that the attachment does not exceed 200 pages.
• Ensure that the combined size of all attachments does not exceed 20 MB.​ 

IMPORTANT: Faxes are not automatically resent when they fail. After following the guidelines above, you need to resend your fax.

NOTE: In case you're still getting partially received faxes after adjusting the BAUD rate and turning OFF the Error Correction Mode, your fax machine may not be compatible with BT Cloud Phone's Fax service.

Steps To Reproduce
Affected Environment
TitleFax - Resolving Partially Sent or Received Faxes | BT Cloud Phone
URL Name7625
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