BT Cloud Phone

Add an Unassigned Phone to your BT Cloud Work Portal

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The Unassigned Phone is an inactive device in your account and does not have a monthly service cost until they are associated with a BT Cloud Work License. In other words, an unassigned phone is a reserved phone in your account's stock pile. It can be a Purchased Device or an Existing Phone in your account.

BT Cloud Work allows you to add or order phones in advance or keep existing phones until they need to be re-assigned to active users in the future


How to purchase an Unassigned Phone to your BT Cloud Work account

  1. ​​​​​​Log in to your BT Cloud Work Portal.
  2. On the Admin portal page, go to Phone SystemPhones & devices.
  3. Click the Unassigned Add device.
  4. Click Desktop phones and select a device from the list, specify the quantity and click Add > Next. You may also select from the list of recently bought devices.
  5. Select the device and the Delivery address where the device is going to be shipped, then click Assigned to selected and click Next. You may select from your list of saved addresses or provide a new Delivery address.
  6. Review your order and tick the checkbox to acknowledge the conditions. Click Next when done.
  7. Take note of the reference number, then click Done. You may also click Print to print the Order Confirmation.

You have now added unassigned phones to your BT Cloud Work account. You can find the purchased unassigned phone in the Unassigned Tab of your BT Cloud Work Portal's Phones & Devices section. 

For more information on Setting up and assigning an unassigned phone, go to Manage your BT Cloud Work Devices.

If you want to convert your unassigned phone to a Common phone, go to Hot Desking on the BT Cloud Work.

Steps To Reproduce
Affected Environment
TitleAdd an Unassigned Phone to your BT Cloud Work Portal
URL Name7855
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